The European PVC chain, from resin and additive manufacture to the final product, involves many thousands of companies – of which many are Small and Medium Sizes Enterprises – and probably more than half a million employees, of which approximately 200,000 are directly active in production and converting. 5th Global Chlor-vinyl Markets 10 Jun 08:00 - 11 Jun 14:00 Key issues addressed at 5th Global Chlor-vinyl Markets: ·First hand information on the world economic situation & outlook for 2010/11 ·European PVC market outlook facing a combined Caustic Soda and PVC market downturn ·EDC-VCM supply outlook & challenges ·Changing trade patterns & freight rates projection ·Special Country highlights : Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Middle East, Asia, USA & Brazil ·Key applications & growth prospect ·Emerging markets in North & West Africa ·Prospect of green PVC & bio-based plasticizer ·Freight rate forecast & efficient supply chain management ·Network with key industry players & customers to exchange ideas & chart strategy moving forward